So this week I have some actual updates for you guys ... not just random pictures to fill space:
1. Last week I had an OBGYN check up ... I have officially gained 13 lbs (but add about 10 or 15 more on top of that I have to lose for the Navy), my blood pressure is still good at 120/72, and my stomach measured 29 cm! Doctors and midwives take a measurement from the bottom of your uterus to the top in order to measure the baby's growth. What is amazing is that usually this measurement coincides with how far along you are. So that means that I am measuring larger than average ... by almost 3 weeks!
2. On Saturday, I went to take my glucose tolerance test which screens for gestational diabetes. How it works is you have to drink 50 ml of a high glucose solution (in less than 5 minutes) and then after an hour a blood sample is taken and evaluated. I opted for the lemon lime flavor, which wasn't too bad ... like a VERY sweet, flat sprite. Well I got the results back today and my "blood sugars were perfect!!!" Both BA and I were really relieved. We were afraid gestational diabetes was the cause of why Helena is measuring so large. But now we know its her daddy's giant genes.
3. We got our cloth diapers in! We decided to go old school and use flat diapers and covers. In fact this kit will take us from newborn to potty training for just $243.45. BA is a diaper folding pro ... and to prove it we made a video:
BA is a cloth diapering fool!
4. Pregnancy is gross ... why women choose to do this over and over and over again I will never understand. Skin tags, swollen extremities, furry bellies, non-stop peeing, bleeding gums and nose, and worst of all the mutated belly button are the "common" pregnancy symptoms I have been afflicted with. And I have been blessed with a very EASY, uncomplicated one. Here's some pictures to make you feel sorry for me.
My new belly strap, so I can work on my fitness without my uterus falling out on the ground. |
Gross swollen monster feet. |
And grossest of all is my hairy stomach and dirty belly button. Its not dirty, its really some weird mole/left over umbilical cord piece that sticks out now. When Frankie (the almost 3 year old monkey we let hang out around us) pulls up my shirt to talk to the baby he tries to pick at it. Yuck! |