Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, September 28, 2012

Linky's First Trip to South Africa

Since graduating from NPS, I was stashed for 58 days doing pretty much nothing in Newport.  BA and I decided that since we had the time (and a credit card ... wooo hooo living the American dream) we would travel to South Africa so his family could meet Linky in person.  We went for three weeks ... spending about a week in three different cities with his family.  We went to Johannesburg, Bloemfontein and then to Cape Town during our visit.

Linky did amazing on the trip there and back.  We had to take a 3 hour train ride to NYC, then an 8 hour flight to Amsterdam and then an 11 hour flight to South Africa.  Although there was a few minor melt downs I have to say she did better than I did!  She had so much fun and loved all the attention she got.  We definitely are lucky to have such an amazing family both here in the states and in Africa.

Linky is a seasoned traveler ... a move across country and a trip half way across the world all before her first birthday!

Waiting for the train to New York, doesn't Linky look thrilled?

Linky and her cousins, Ryan and Ethan.  It was quite a task to get them to stop watching their show long enough to take a picture.

Linky loves to be naughty ... like touching the oven after being told not to.
Motorcycle babe.

Her first (and hopefully last) kool-aide mustache.  Her Opa Claude gave her some Sparletta Raspberry.

Another treat Linky was introduced to ... cheese curls ... she loved them.  Luckily they don't make them  in the states (wink wink).

Giving mummy kisses.  Although the past 2 or 3 weeks she has been very stingy with her kisses.  
By far my favorite picture of BA and LA.

Poor Linky cut fifth tooth while we were in South Africa.  This day she didn't feel well, but not bad enough to not be silly for the camera.

Family photo op in Cape Town.

The Asian tourists in Cape Town loved Linky Baby.  In fact 2 women in the group asked if they could hold her and take a picture!  

At a vineyard in Stellenbosh.  And no I wasn't coming from or heading to the gym.  Thats how I dress ... like a homeless lady :(

On our way up to the top of Table Mountain!

No we didn't hike!  We took the cable car.

Me and my homie Madiba (or to Americans Nelson Mandela).

Water baby!

Linky and 1 of Auntie Joanne's cat.  All three cats look the exact same, and I couldn't tell them apart.

At the Hartebeespoort Damn.  We like any opportunity to look small and tiny :)

Sassy thing waiting to fly back to the states.  Her Ouma made her the dress and matching shoes!

Checking out the baby care center in the Amsterdam Airport.

Getting ready to navigate the NYC subway system with our luggage.  We travel light, huh?

Enjoying the view from our dinner booth.

On her 11 month birthday!  

Joining mummy for lunch.  We are currently in VA for a 2 week school.  

Monday, September 17, 2012

We survived AFRICA!

We are back from a (short notice) 3 week vacation to South Africa.  As soon as BA gives me the pictures we took, I'll write all about our awesome trip :)