So I have ALOT of catching up to do on Helena's BLOG. Since I last updated we celebrated her first birthday, Ouma came and visited, Linky went trick or treating for the first time and lots more.
For her birthday we had a little Braai and owl cupcakes for some friends here in Newport. Ouma hand made all the cupcakes!
Linky checking out her cake. We tried taking a video of her tearing into her owl cake but she isn't your normal kid. Instead of destroying it and smearing it from one end of the room to the other she daintily picked at it. Finally BA had to et it for her or else we could have been there ALL night. |
A close up of her owl cake. Ouma spent over 8 hours decorating this cake and 20 matching cupcakes for her party. |
Someone didn't want to take a birthday picture. |
Her decorations ... which we saved so we can use them next year and every birthday until she turns 18! |
So its no secret that I am a sucker for couple/family costumes. So after finding Linky and Ouma black cat costumes, I just HAD to be a witch. Unfortunately, BA is a spoil sport and refused go along with the theme ... so instead he was Domo (a Japanese Anime character).
One of us isn't like the others .... |
Two black cats ... meow! |
We also had some professional pictures taken for her first birthday. Some of the pictures turned out too cute and well others . . . are just funny.
Le bebe and her daddy. |
Us girls. |
Family picture. Linky thinks it hilarious when we both kiss her at the same time. |
One of my most favorite pictures of Linky. She is really just gorgeous here :)
Awkward photo 1: This will definitely make her Sweet 16 slide show of the most embarrassing photos through the years. |
Awkward photo 2: Now, I am not a photographer by any means but this is the worst angle possible. BA looks like a giant and in turn it makes me look as wide as I am tall. |
Awkward photo 3: Dear Lord, remind me NEVER to take photos from straight behind. |
Awkward photo 4: If BA wasn't wearing his match purple sweater, it would look as if he photo bombed us! |
It has been so incredible to watch her grow and learn over these past 13 months. I find myself is awe almost everyday at what an amazing little person she is: so bright and full of personality. BA and I are constantly telling each other how truly lucky we are to have her. Although she is a naughty thing most of the time, I sometimes have to pinch myself to make sure she really is ours!
At 13 months she:
1. Has six teeth: four on top and two on the bottom
2. Has gone from walking to running and now climbs up anything and everything.
3. Loves books. She now brings them to use to read to her several times a day.
4. Signs six words: milk (when she wants to nurse), eat, more, please, finished and book.
5. Is beginning to mimic sounds. She says mama, dada, please (pa) and sings the Bubble Guppies theme song (ba ba ba).
6. Can follow simple directions such as "give to daddy/mama," "go get babatjie," "say ta-ta (goodbye)." However, she hasn't quite learned the meaning of NO. Ha!
7. Loves looking at pictures of herself. She always gives me my phone so I can bring up pictures of her.
8. Loves music. Anytime music plays she sways to it.
Playing ball in the house! Such a naughty thing. |
Cheetos monster! I try and make myself feel better by buying the organic toddler ones ... but really they are just cheetos. |
Its so hard taking pictures of this wiggly thing. |
Taking saki (root beer) shots at a hibachi restaurant. |
Potty time. Were working on actually using it and learning the sign for potty. |
Yelling at us because she didn't want to take a picture. |
Ready for a Newport winter. |
Linky Baby on her 13 month birthday! |
Trying to climb under her motorcycle and getting stuck. |
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