Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pictures for my Dad (not that he even reads this silly blog).

To celebrate our last day in Charleston and my sixth month of carrying our lovely parasite, Helena Margaret, BA and I went to The Citadel campus to take a few pictures:

My slutty Citadel shirt wearing girlfriend ... 7 years late and blinded by the sun.  But oh so handsome!
BA peeking into my old room.  But don't worry it's summer and no one was in there, so he isn't that big of a pervert.
Maggie and I.  Hopefully she is super smart or really good at sport, so she can go to a real college and not this place. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Vacation Update from Charleston!

How BA sleeps, hand on my stomach.  Which would be really sweet if it wasn't 100 f-ing degrees in South Carolina.
Almost six month pregnant ... and why I shouldn't sport a bathing suit :)  

BA's  new kicks, so now he can full fill a life long dream of being a leprechaun.

American Gothic.  (the wind is making my dress blow out, not my stomach).

Thursday, June 9, 2011


And BA has decided HER color is purple :)  I'll post pictures and the run down of our appointment after my final tomorrow.  

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Two Days Until the Big Reveal

Unless of course the Gypsy decides it doesn't want to let us know his/her gender and keeps its bathing suit parts covered.

One of the questions I am sure pregnant people get asked all the time is if they have a preference for either ... and I have been thinking about it a lot in the past couple of weeks.  I guess either has its pros and cons and different hard decisions to make.  So I compiled a short list for each:


Pros - 
BA will finally have some one to talk rugby to so I don't have to pretend to listen. 
Little boys 5-10 are the most fun and cutest things out there.  They are so inquisitive, excited about everything and SWEET.   
We have a boys name picked out and neither of us have had second thoughts about it. 
Our Chinese/Korean baby will be a girl, so having a boy will give us one of each!
Boys like their mommies better!

Cons -
They take longer to develop and are harder to potty train.
BA will def be more strict with a boy than a little girl :)
Making a decision on whether to circumcise or not - I think we are 90% sure we won't. 


Pros -
Little baby girls have to cutest cloths and stupid bows to torture them with. 
My Dad really wants a granddaughter. 
Its the only gender I have dreamt about this whole pregnancy ... so it almost feels more natural to me to think of the Gypsy as a girl. 
I think BA will be able to deal with a lesbian daughter better than a gay son. 

Cons -
Teenage girls are moody and annoying.  
With BA's genes, she will probably be a very tall Amazon girl.  Which can lead to self confidence issues when you can't get a date to the school dance. 
She will probably have hair like mine :(
Little girls love love love their daddies!

Okay so in a perfect world, I would chose to have a baby girl who magically morphed into a little boy around the age of 5.  But that is just me :)  


Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Half Way There Photo Op!!!

Soju sticking his tongue out at me because I didn't get his morning treat fast enough.  

Pointing to where you should be looking ... not at the fact my morning routine is minimal (wet hair and no make-up).